Exploding, review analysis of cinematic experimentation was created in October 1998, its main object of study is experimental cinema. Its corpus includes both the pre-cinema, successive historical avant-garde and underground movements, as well as contemporary filmmaking. EXPLODING is not a news magazine, it mainly addresses a different topic in each issue. EXPLODING 11 numbers were published, as well as a special issue.
The association "Exploding" is also co-editor of the book in 2002 accompanying the video output of the Michael Snow film Rameau's Nephew by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen (1974) published by RE:VOIR (book + box VHS).
Aux cris de l’écran, by Florent Guézengar
Transparences fantômes, by Xavier Baert
Le secret derrière l’écran, by Snoopy de Maldoror
Le film qui fait écran (Blanche-Neige de Joao César Monteiro), by Eric Thouvenel
L’écran noir de Blanche-Neige by Sandrine Loiseau
Géométrie de l’apparition, by Térésa Faucon
Monstrueuse ouverture, by Boris Henry
La société des écranistes, by Emeric de Lastens
Split / Screen : Rollin / Lemaître, by Hugo Bélit
L’année de tous les dangers by Florent Guézengar
Angles d’attaque, by Julie Talen
The Guests (Les Invités), by Ken Jacobs
Images doubles, by Joao Nisa
Tout objet qui empêche de voir, by Vincent Deville
Cran d’arrêt, by Augustin Gimel
Etirements, by Sébastien Ronceray
Widescreens and wild screens, by Marc Plas
Des cimaises animées, by Marc Bembekoff
Alpha cinéma, l’écran oublié, by Vincent Deville
L’écran dans l’eau, la tête dans les étoiles, by Emmanuelle Sarrouy
La quadrature du cercle, by Stéfani de Loppinot