Bernice Abbott : A View of the 20th Century

A View of the 20th Century View larger

A documentary on the work of Bernice Abbott by KAY WEAVER and MARTHA WHEELOCK

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Critics place Berenice Abbott at the head of her class; she was one of the greatest American photographers of the 20th Century. From her portraits of the avant-garde taken in Paris during the 1920s, to her documentation of New York in the 1930s, to her science photography of the 1950s, and her studies of small-town America, Abbott's genius is in the incredible range of her work.

Filmed during her 91st and 92nd years, the open-hearted Abbott takes us on a guided tour of her Century. The tour teaches history, perseverance, courage, and single-minded dedication to one's chosen field.

Berenice Abbott-A View of the 20th Century from laotracamara on Vimeo.

Author(s) Kay Weaver, Martha Wheelock
Artist(s) Berenice Abbott
Format DVD PAL Interzone/Region-Free, mono, 4:3
Year 1992
Language(s) English
Subtitles French
Runtime 56 min
Publisher Re:Voir, Ishtar Films

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