Guy Maddin - Des Trous Dans la tête !

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DVD of BRAND UPON THE BRAIN!, a film by Guy Maddin with bonus

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Guy spent his youth on the mysterious island he would one day inherit. He lives in the lighthouse which serves as an orphanage with his sister, his parents and a horde of children whose every gesture is rigorously watched by Guy's domineering and tyrannical mother while his father, scientist and inventor, works day and night. night in the greatest secrecy.
Two detectives, Wendy and Chance Hale, arrive on the island after finding strange marks on the children's heads. Guy is in turmoil in front of Wendy, a first crush that drives her hormones into a panic, while her sister is crimson in her cheeks, numb with love for Chance, a love that must never be revealed to Mother.

Guy Maddin delves into his memories and his delirious imagination to create a work that is unlike any other, a surrealist plot in which terrible family secrets are gradually revealed.

An exuberant, abundant film, both funny and touching, a fairy tale for adults with images of great beauty, led by the haunting voice of Isabella Rossellini.

One of the ten best films of 2006 according to the New York Times 2006.


Holes in the Head !, 2006, 95 ', b/w


- Footsteps, a film by Guy Maddin on the sound effects of the film
- 3 versions of the narration: Isabella Rossellini (in original version and in French version) and Guy Maddin (in original version)
- movie trailer

Author(s) Guy Maddin
Artist(s) Guy Maddin, Isabella Rossellini
Format DVD PAL
Year 2006
Language(s) English
Subtitles French
Publisher ED Distribution

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