British artist and filmmaker Ben Rivers is internationally renowned for creating a body of bold experimental works that lie between documentary and fiction. Often focusing on subjects that have separated themselves from society, he shapes a world in which the familiar becomes strange. Using vintage cameras, a variety of film stocks and processing the films by hand, the footage often resembles found, aged or archival film which itself feeds the narrative. Breaking the conventional rules of documentary filmmaking, Rivers' films are evocative and sensory, tinged with horror and the unknown, and are an entirely unique personal vision.
This selection of 24 extraordinary films has been specifically curated by the artist. Second Run are proud to present the first comprehensive Blu-ray collection of Ben Rivers' award-winning and critically acclaimed films.
This 2-disc Blu-ray Special Edition includes the following films, plus a 32-page booklet with a new essay by author and scholar Erika Balsom and writing on each of the films by Ben Rivers:
A World Rattled of Habit (2008) / Ah, Liberty! (2008) / Astika (2006) / The Coming Race (2006) / Ghost Strata (2019) / House (2005) / The House was Quiet (2020) / The Hyrcynium Wood (2003) / I Know Where I'm Going (2009) / Ijen/London (2022) / Look Then Below (2019) / Now, at Last! (2019) / Origin of the Species (2008) / Phantoms of a Libertine (2012) / Sack Barrow (2011) / The Shape of Things (2016) / Slow Action (2010) / There is a Happy Land Further Awaay (2015) / Things (2014) / This is My Land (2006) / Trees Down Here (2018) / Urth (2016) / We the People (2004)
UK, 2003 - 2022
Total length: 415 minutes
Sound: 2.0 Dual Mono
2.0 Stereo LPCM (48khz/16-bit/24-bit)
Colour / Black and white
Original aspect ratios:
1.37:1 / 1:78:1 / 2.60:1 / 2.85:1
Language: English
Blu-Ray: BD50 x 2 / 1080p
Region ABC (Region Free)
Release Date: 27 Nov 2023