Spectres of the Spectrum

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DVD with the film Spectres of the Spectrum by Craig Baldwin

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The director of Tribulation 99 and Sonic Outlaws returns with his grandest work to date! Spectres of the Spectrum plunders Baldwin's treasure trove of early television shows, industrial and educational films, Hollywood movies, advertisements and cartoons, combining these with live-action footage, no-budget special effects, and relentless narration to generate a wholly original paranoid science-fiction epic. 

BooBoo, a young telepath, and her father, Yogi, are revolutionaries pitted against the "New Electromagnetic Order." Their story, set in the year 2007 in a blighted Nevada outpost, is interwoven with a history of the development of electromagnetic technologies, from X-rays to atom bombs, from television to the Internet.

"At once politically charged and wildly imaginative, this unique extravaganza confirms director Baldwin as an avant-garde superstar." —Christian Science Monitor

Special Features

  • Director's Commentary
  • Cast & Crew Bios
  • "Behind the Spectrum"—Behind the Scenes at the filming of SOS
  • "Science in Action" vintage TV clip
  • Upcoming Releases from Other Cinema DVD

Author(s) Craig Baldwin
Artist(s) Craig Baldwin, Sean Kilkoyne, Caroline Koebel, Beth Lisick
Format DVD NTSC, Region 0
Year 1999
Language(s) English
Runtime 91 min
Publisher Other Cinema

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