Tribulation 99 : Alien Anomalies under America

Tribulation 99 : Alien Anomalies under America View larger

DVD with a film by Craig Baldwin

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Upon its release in 1991, Tribulation 99 became an instant counter-culture classic. Craig Baldwin's "pseudo-pseudo-documentary" presents a factual chronicle of US intervention in Latin America in the form of the ultimate far-right conspiracy theory, combining covert action, environmental catastrophe, space aliens, cattle mutilations, killer bees, religious prophecy, doomsday diatribes, and just about every other crackpot theory broadcast through the dentures of the modern paranoiac.

A delirious vortex of hard truths, deadpan irony, and archival mash-ups—industrials, graphs, cartoons, movies from Hollywood B to Mexican Z—Tribulation 99 constructs a truly perverse vision of American imperialism.

Also! Two early rarities from Baldwin:

RocketKitKongoKit (30min.): This kaleidoscopic collage-essay traces an alternative history of post-colonial Congo, the CIA, and military adventurism.

Wild Gunman (19min.): A dense montage of cowboy iconography, advertising campaigns and pop culture imagery within an interactive penny-arcade game.

"One of the most exhilarating underground movies in recent years...A relentlessly lurid agitprop for the cyberpunk generation." —Jim Hoberman, Premiere Magazine

"An unparalleled achievement in wicked social satire." —Michael Atkinson, Film Comment

"Like speed spiked with an LSD chaser!" —Manohla Dargis, Village Voice

Special features:

  • Director's Commentary
  • Interview Booklet with Craig Baldwin
  • Upcoming Releases from Other Cinema DVD

Author(s) Craig Baldwin
Format DVD
Year 1991
Language(s) English
Runtime 97 min
Publisher Other Cinema

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