Stan Vanderbeek - Visibles 2

The second volume of our DVD collection of Stan Vanderbeek's films with 11 films

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It is part of the interesting nature of art that at this same juncture in the crossroads of art, with the perfection of a means to capture exactly perspective and “realism,” the artist’s vision is turning more to his interior, and in a sense to an infinite exterior, abandoning the logic of aesthetics and springing full-blown into a juxtaposed and simultaneous world that ignores the one-point-perspective mind and the one-point-perspective lens.
-Stan Vanderbeek, American Scholar Vol.35 1966

Astral Man (2’) 1959
Mankinda (8’)1957
What Who How (7’) 1957
Wheeeels No. 1 (7’) 1958
Wheeeels No. 2 (5’) 1958
Dance of the Looney Spoons (5’) 1959
Black And White, Day and Night (5’) 1962
Skullduggery (5’) 1960
The Human Face is a Monument (9’) 1965
The Smiling Workman (6’) 1967
The Birth of the American Flag (14’) 1965

Author(s) Stan Vanderbeek
Format DVD5 PAL Interzone/Region 0 DVD5, 4:3, STEREO, B&W/COLOR
Year 1959-1965
Language(s) English
Runtime 73 mins
Publisher Re:Voir

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