Hybride: Johanna Vaude

Hybride: Johanna Vaude View larger

DVD with six films by Johanna Vaude

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10,00 €

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The Hybride DVD assembles a selection of six films by Johanna Vaude : L'oeil sauvage, Notre Icare, Samouraï , Totalité remix, De l'Amort and Exploration. Each film contains its own language, its own theme, and submerges us in unique worlds where the hybridation of different types of media and techniques used presents us with unexpected poetic imagery. The diversity of the subjects and types of techniques contained in her films mixture of painting on film, synthetic images, 3D, photos, Super 8 films, and digital video encourages us to think about the inventiveness and possibilities of contemporary experimental cinema.

JOHANNA VAUDE - HYBRIDE from Lowave on Vimeo.

Author(s) Johanna Vaude
Format PAL
Year 2007
Runtime 82 min
Publisher Lowave

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