Cinexpérimentaux 12 : SU FRIEDRICH


Documentary film about the filmmaker Su Friedrich by Frédérique Devaux and Michel Amarger.

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Su Friedrich, born in 1954 in New Haven, is based in Brooklyn. She has been making independent films since the late 1970s, exploring women’s condition, the lesbian struggle, her family history and the evolution of American society since her beginnings. Through her graphic research in 16mm film, or embedded in her digital works, with a sharp eye she develops, in fiction, documentary and militant testimony a quest and a critique of identity in her environment.



+ 3 films by Su Friedrich

BUT NO ONE 1982, 9’
SEEING RED 2005, 28’
Video documentation of "Re:Working" at Microscope Gallery 2015, 4’

Author(s) Frédérique Devaux, Michel Amarger
Artist(s) Su Friedrich
Format DVD 9 PAL 16/ 9 * Mono * Interzone
Original format video
Year 2018-2020
Language(s) English
Subtitles English, French
Runtime 129 minutes
Publisher Re:Voir Video

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