Pack 2 DVD Rose Lowder

2 DVD pack with films by and featuring Rose Lowder at a special promotional price.

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Bouquets d'images
For many years Rose Lowder has been developing an exceptional technique of weaving together images gathered frame- by-frame to form meticulous patterns of light. By oscillating the focal plane of photographs shot in the same place over time, her layered tapestries produce a new relationship between filmed reality and filmic image. From the movement of a waterwheel’s rotations, mirroring the camera mechanism, to a bouquet of flowers becoming a bouquet of images, her work demonstrates a unique means of expression unparalleled in the world of cinema.

“Colors, objects and their treatments go beyond the discourse of scientific research that the filmmaker usually tends to maintain. We cannot ignore the high sensuality of the scenes and their choices. Rose Lowder favors scenes of nature, even though some of the sites filmed are located in the city. Through their filmic transformation, they no longer appear to be urban manifestations but natural landscapes. In this way, Rose Lowder continues an impressionist tradition: working in nature rather than in the studio; like Cézanne, working on site is the sine qua non condition in order to reveal the ‘little sensation’ and represent it.” Yann Beauvais

Roulement, rouerie, aubage 1978 14min10
Sunflowers 1982 2min41
Impromptu 1989 7min4
Quiproquo 1992 12min27
Bouquets 1-10 1994-1995 10min43

Cinexpérimentaux 5 : ROSE LOWDER
Rose Lowder is an artisan of cinema. Her 16mm camera takes the place of a loom for the weaving of images. She has consecrated her life to these tapestries, these embroideries whose motifs have for many years come from nature, in a state of incessant becoming. Like her elders, the Impressionist painters, she renders her bouquets stroke by stroke, image by image, color after color, to give life to her pointillist compositions in motion.2002, 24min. followed by 12 films by Rose Lowder : CHAMP PROVENCAL 1979, 16mm, color, 9’ VOILIERS ET COQUELICOTS : 2001, 16mm, color, 2’ BOUQUETS ECOLOGIQUES #21 à 30 : 2003-2005, 16mm, color

Author(s) Rose Lowder, Frédérique Devaux, Michel Armager
Format DVD
Language(s) French, English
Publisher REVOIR

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Pack content

  • 1 x

    A documentary by Frédérique Devaux & Michel Amarger on the filmmaker Rose Lowder.  Includes 12 films by Lowder.

    18,90 €
    In Stock
  • 1 x

    A collection of short films by Rose LowderFor orders destined for institutional use in North America, please contact GARTENBERG MEDIA.

    19,90 €
    In Stock