Based on meca-aesthetics and the supertemporal, the only authentic body arts,
opposed to the scams of this aesthetic dimension.
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First edition. Theoretical text by I. Isou (dated 1976) “Body art chiselling, lettrist, hypergraphic, aphonist and esthapéïriste or based on meca-aesthetics and the supertemporal, the only authentic body arts, opposed to the swindles of this aesthetic dimension. »Choice of works of body art by different members of the Lettrist group: I. ISOU, M. LEMAITRE, R. SABATIER, M. HACHETTE, A. SATIE, F. POYET, JP GILLARD, JP CURTAY, F. CANAL, GP BROUTIN, A. GRIMAUD, F. VILLERS, A. DUPONT and G. TASIV. Very good state.
On cover : group lettriste in 1977.
Publications PSI Paris.