Yamavica Film Poetics vol.3

le troisième volume de trilogie YAMAVICA FILM POETICS de ISAO YAMADA

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Sakhalin elegy (1994), 30min, colour, 8mm
Germany: maiglöckchen (2004 with music by Maria Kulowska 2020), 30min, B&W and
colour, 8mm
Despair arabesque (2011 with music by Sakiko Idei 2019), 34min, colour, 8mm
Kioku (Reflection 2014 with music by Ryota Fujiguchi ), 23min, B&W, 8mm

Started his artistic career by working at Shuji Terayama's theatre company, Tenjousajiki. In 1974, he was appointed as an artistic crew for Terayama's feature-film, Denen ni Shisu (Pastoral: To Die in the Country). As a film director, Yamada's release includes Anmonaito no sasayaki wo kiita (Iʼve heard the ammoniteʼs murmur:1992), Jouhatsu Tabinikki (The Soul Odyssey: 2003) based on the essay by Yoshiharu Tsuge, and Shutorumu undo Doranku (Sturm und Drang, 2014). In addition to his work in cinema, Yamada is also known for his work in manga, painting and graphic design. The calligraphic fonts used in his experimental films are all by his own hand writings. More
information on the official site: www.yamavicascope.com

《The authentic physicality of Yamadaʼs films, which can be felt only when accompanied by the projector's clattering sound, cannot be reproduced digitally. Accepting this irony, however, three volumes of Yamavica Film Poetics dare to select and present Yamadaʼs works to be enjoyed in a private way, like savouring a vintage bottle of wine at home, or reading your favorite poems from your pocket. Ylva Salon》

作者 Isao Yamada
格式 DVD, Region ALL, Stereo
原始格式 8mm
年份 1994, 2004, 2011, 2014
语言 japonais (sans dialogue)
时长 30 min + 30 min + 34 min +23 min
出版 Ylva Salon

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