Media Magica 5 - The Ambiguous Image and Space

Media Magica 5 - The ambiguous image and space View larger

The Ambiguous Image and Space

a film by Werner Nekes

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The film looks at ways of creating special illusions through ambiguous images, perspective theatres, folding peepshows and from the 19th century, the stereoscope, which look forward to today’s holography.

Author(s) Werner Nekes
Artist(s) Bernd Upnmoor, Serge Roman, Ertan Erdogan, Joe Wentrup, Dietrich Hahne, Helge Schneider, Norbert Schlawien, Katrin Köster, Norbert Schliewe, Lutz Garmsen, Michel Klöfkorn, Astrid Nicklaus
Format DVD5 PAL 4:3
Original format 35mm
Year 1996
Runtime 53 min
Publisher Werner Nekes

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