Vivian Ostrovsky - Plunge


DVD gathering 16 films by Vivian Ostrovsky made between 1982 and 2014.

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"An intimate – yet humorous – act of cultural resistance, the cinema of Vivian Ostrovsky is a gesture, implying the filmmaker’s entire body – as she travels around the world, carrying the gear, framing with a camera-eye. She digs in archival footage for an immense repertory of cinematic gestures performed by others – and playfully edits them with her own Super-8 shots. Multi-culturalism and polyglotism are woven into this poetics of displacement."

- Bérénice Reynaud

2 discs, 16 films, 60-pages booklet with articles by Amy Taubin, Federico Rossin, Vivian Ostrovsky.

Author(s) Vivian Ostrovsky
Artist(s) Vivian Ostrovsky
Format DVD9 PAL 16:9
Original format 16mm, Super 8
Year 2019
Subtitles english
Runtime 215mins
Pages 60
Publisher Re:Voir

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