
Takahiko Iimura's OBSERVER/OBSERVED and other works of video semiology.

1972-1998 / B&W / sound / 22min

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A video trilogy of "Camera, Monitor, Frame", "Observer/Observed" and "Observer/Observed/Observer" is to create a semiology of video as a video work rather than a written text. (T.I.)

"In fact, Takahiko Iimura isn't really a theorician, if we mean by that that his theory could be shown for itself, separate from the object. On the contrary, object and theory are mutually activated, or even interpenatrated without obstruction. One could say in this sense that Kegon Buddhism's logic, long ago apprenticed to John Cage by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, grows in depth in Iimura's art"

- Daniel Charles.

Author(s) Takahiko Iimura
Year 1975-1998
Runtime 22 min
Publisher Takahiko Iimura Media Arts Laboratory

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