A multimedia DVD / Video by Takahiko Iimura with text, video (33min), graphics and animation.
2002 / DVD / B&W / sound / 33min
The multimedia/interactive DVD "Seeing / Hearing / Speaking" has two parts, a new video "Seeing / Hearing / Speaking" and three "other related videos" produced during 1978-2001.
"Based on a sentence taken from the seminal book of Jacques Derrida, French philosopher, "Speech and Phenomena" translated by David B. Allison, I produced first video "Talking to Myself" in 1978 (revised in 2001). The video was highly appreciated as "the strongest, most effective statement one could make from the work of Derrida" by Professor Allison. The sentence I quoted, that Derrida calls "phenomenological essence" is that I hear myself at the same time that I speak."
- Takahiko Iimura