Recipes for Reconstruction : The Cookbook for the Frugal Filmmaker

Special Book and DVD Set on experimental film-making by Steven Woloshen

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Veteran animator and filmmaker Steven Woloshen introduces a variety of simple artistic strategies to create decay and to re-assemble damaged film prints into new experimental visions. This book includes a special DVD (NTSC) with nine short films created specially for this do-it-yourself, "hands-on" manual.

An excellent resource for film production courses and workshops.

Featuring nine chapters & accompanying films:

1. Chronicle Reconstructions: Creating Reconstructions
2. Zero Visibility: Reproducing Decay and Damage
3. La Dolce Vita: Hasty Archaeology
4. Scrapbook: Correcting Correlations
5. Fleeing Rotland: Revitalizing Obsolete Gauges on 35mm Film
6. The Homestead Act: Using the Earth to Create Decay
7. Editorial: Contact Printing and Film Looping
8. Vista: Abstraction and Reorientation
9. The Rosetta Stone: Creating Hybrid Images

ISBN 978-0-9866231-0-3
137 pages, perfect-bound paperback, colour and B&W
DVD included
Copyright Steven Woloshen, Scratchatopia Books, 2010

Author(s) Steven Woloshen
Format perfect-bound paperback, colour and B&W, DVD NTSC
Year 2010
Language(s) English
Pages 137 pages
Publisher Scratchatopia Books

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