Stan Vanderbeek - Visibles


19,90 €

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Science Friction 1959 10min
A la mode 1959 7min
Breathdeath 1963 15min
Poemfield n°2 1971 6min
Achoo Mr Kerrooschevv 1960 2min
See Saw Seams 1965 9min
Panels for the Walls of the World 1967 8min
Oh 1968 10min
Symmetricks 1971 6min

 "Stan Vanderbeek is one of our few genuine film artists - a poet, a clown, a laughing man of the Bomb Age."
- Jonas Mekas

"Stan Vanderbeek is the Tom Swift of the underground, an inventor of processes and approaches. He is also a collagist, a collisionist, and like Georges Méliès, whom he claims as godfather, an illusionist."
- Sheldon Renan

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Author(s) Stan Vanderbeek
Format DVD5 PAL Interzone/Region 0
Language(s) English
Publisher Re:Voir

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