The Film in a Box consists of an edited series of digital photos, presented in a small box, like a pack of card.
Moira Tierney is a filmmaker from Dublin. Her filmography to date consists of 30 short and mid-length films which have screened extensively at institutions, galleries and festivals including the Fondation Cartier and Musée du Jeu de Paume in Paris, the Rio Film Festival, Anthology Film Archives in NYC, the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid and the Film Museum in Moscow. She was commissioned by the Peace III Initiative to make a film on the Irish border in 2010 (Are We There Yet?). She is co-founder of the SOLUS film collective, a Dublin-based group whose mission is to distribute Irish work abroad and to bring new international work to Ireland. Her most recent film, Down Claiborne, was shot in collaboration with the Mardi Gras Indian community in New Orleans and was featured in the IFI's Irish Focus series in 2019. Her films are distributed by the Collectif Jeune Cinéma in Paris.
The Film in a Box consists of an edited series of digital photos, presented in a small box, like a pack of card. The images can be shuffled, recomposed and excerpted at will - or combined with other images - allowing the owner to edit their own version of the "film" enclosed.
Series of 32 photographs from the Leitrim-Fermanagh border (2010)
When I arrived up in Manor to start the workshops, it was with great delight that I discovered the irrelevance of the border to the participating children; as one of their teachers put it Sure we don't use those words any more; I've a 20 years old who doesn't remember what the troubles were like; there's no border any more... and sure enough, driving backwards and forwards between Leitrim and Fermanagh, there was no way of telling at which point the mysterious line had been passed; even my phone was undecided as to when exactly to welcome me to the UK. It was on one such trip that these photos were shot - an afternoon in January, with one of the celebrated local mists hanging heavy on the hills and the road disappearing into itself around every bend...