Le Petit dieu (limited, signed edition)

A limited edition signed DVD a film by Marice Lemaître

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Maurice Lemaître is amongst one of the most important and creative artists of the second half of the 20th century. His cinematic work has led to a fundamental questioning of the relationship between film and spectator, image and sound, art and criticism, cinema and other types of images. His art is characterized by its inventiveness, it's joy of creating, and a radical and loud critique allowing for Lettrism to flourish as an avant-garde movement.

LE PETIT DIEU  The story of the little god, child of Olympus, asserts itself from the outset as a true philosophical lesson for children, the spectators. Letters, words and phrases build up on the screen in a multitude of typographies and bright colors orchestrated in movement. Le Petit Dieu is an invitation to travel, one of Lemaître's major themes, and a veritable manifesto of cinematic Lettrism.

This limited edition DVD was hand-made, reproduced and signed by Maurice Lemaître in a limited edition of 5 copies.

Author(s) Maurice Lemaître
Artist(s) Maurice Lemaître, Frédéric Acquaviva
Format DVD-R PAL, couleur / sonore / simple écran
Year 1972-2003
Language(s) French
Runtime 20 min
Publisher AvantGarde Vidéo

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