Marcel Hanoun - Le printemps

DVD with a film from Marcel Hanoun's Saisons tetralogy with Michael Lonsdale, Raymonde Godeau, Véronique Andriès, Catherine Binet, Anne-Marie Ramier

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Le Printemps is one of those rare films which is on par with the modern novel... For example, the film loops in on itself, as does the 360° panoramic shot at its end.. It’s full of analogies, resemblances, auto-quotations. Above all, its a film whose pretext — a human interest newspaper clipping — remains merely a pretext; whose essence consists of what Barthes called the catalysis, ie: all elements which are not directly part of the story but which, on the contrary, slow it down and subvert it. Hanoun’s efforts are dedicated to divorcing his film from the domain of literary fiction and bringing it closer to painting and music.”

-Dominique Noguez

Marcel Hanoun - Le Printemps (Trailer) from Re:Voir Video on Vimeo.

Author(s) Marcel Hanoun
Artist(s) Michael Lonsdale, Raymonde Godeau, Véronique Andriès, Catherine Binet, Anne-Marie Ramier
Format DVD9 PAL Interzone 16:9 Mono, b&w and color/n&b et couleur
Original format 35 mm
Year 1970
Language(s) French
Subtitles English
Runtime 78 min
Publisher RE:VOIR

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