Eyeshift (Un Regard en mouvement) - Pierre-Yves Cruaud

DVD with 7 films by Pierre-Yves Cruaud

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Video artist, Pierre-Yves Cruaud, has been on the international visual art and media scene for a number of years now. Apart from video, Pierre-Yves is also involved in photography and sound creation. The work issued from his visual and sonic research laboratory have received several awards from around the world. Each of his videos tackle issues and problems pertaining to our contemporary world: the agonizing speed of cities, global surveillance systems breaking barriers between public and private life, the omnipresence of images resulting in a transitory appearance.

DVD EYSHIFT - Pierre-Yves Cruaud par Lowave

Author(s) Pierre-Yves Cruaud
Format DVD5 PAL Interzone/Region 0, 4:3
Original format Vidéo
Year 2000-2003
Language(s) French
Subtitles English, French, German
Runtime 59 min
Publisher lowave

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