A new edition of a screenplay by Isidore Isou, first published in 1953. Available only in French!
By 1953, the year Amos ou Introduction à la métagraphologie by Isidore Isou was published, the author had already published a number of other works : Introduction à une nouvelle poésie et une nouvelle musique and Agrégation d'un nom et d'un messie at Gallimard, Précisions sur ma poésie et moi, La mécanique des femmes, Traité d'économie nucléaire, Les Journaux des Dieux, etc, at the publishers Escaliers de Lausanne. Amos or Introduction to métagraphologie is the title of his third film, the first Traité de bave et d'éternité (scenario included in Spectacle Works, Gallimard, 1964) caused a scandal in Cannes in 1951.
Here at last is the reissue of this legendary Lettrist book. Republished here as a facsimile of the original edition in Arcana, Editions founded by Eric Losfeld (distinct from the current collection "Ghosts" by Joëlle Losfeld), this book remains essential in the work of Isidore Isou.