Holly Fisher - Bullets for Breakfast
DVD with 5 films by Holly Fisher
For orders destined for institutional use in North America, please contact GARTENBERG MEDIA.
Bullets for Breakfast is one of the most magnificently obsessive films in recent memory. A precisely made flood of images, text, and My Darling Clementine cuts a swath across easy comprehension. Fisher constructs the film along the twin axes of visual sophistication and handmade aesthetics – it’s both beautifully meticulous and gorgeously frayed. –CAMERON BAILEY
BULLETS FOR BREAKFAST (1992, 16mm, color, 77ʹ)
FROM THE LADIES (1977, 16mm, color, 20')
GLASS SHADOWS (1976, 16mm, color, 13')
THIS IS MONTAGE (1978, 16mm, color, silent, 7')
SOFTSHOE (1987, 16mm, color, 20')
DVD9 • PAL INTERZONE •color •4:3 •French subtitles •137 mins -Contains a 28-page booklet