Gunvor Nelson - Departures

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Four films by Gunvor Nelson

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"I discovered how beautiful things look through the camera... A melon or dirty dishes, seen with a lens in close-up were translated into something else... The camera became like binoculars; you zero in on a small area and isolate it, and it becomes more precious because it's selected." (Holmlund, 78)

4 films

Schmeerguntz, 1965 (15'):son, b&w; 16mm
My Name is Oona, 1969 (10'):son, b&w; 16mm
Take Off (with Magda), 1972 (10'): son, b&w; 16mm
Moon's Pool, 1973 (15'): son, coul.; 16mm

Author(s) Gunvor Nelson
Format DVD PAL Interzone/Region 0
Original format 16mm
Year 1966, 1969, 1972, 1973
Language(s) English
Runtime 15', 10', 10', 15'
Publisher Re:Voir

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