Cinexpérimentaux 7: STEPHANE MARTI

A documentary film by Frédérique Devaux and Michel Amarger
+ 3 films by Stéphane Marti

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Stéphane Marti is a teacher and film-maker who, since 1976, has been expounding the plasticity of experimental cinema, freeing it from the dominant codes of narrative cinema. An avid defender of Super-8mm film (which he has been using for 30 years), he has fought for the acknowledgement of its excellence as a film-making tool. His work, which screens in festivals and at international events, has been the subject of numerous interviews and articles. Flamboyant, baroque and sensual, his work revolves primarily around the question of the body and the sacred.

A film by Frédérique Devaux and Michel Amarger / 2003-2005 video 17min

+ 3 films by Stéphane Marti

Allegoria 1979 Super8 14min
Diasparagmos 1980 Super8 13min
Mira Corpora 2004 Super8 45min

Author(s) Frédérique Devaux, Michel Amarger
Artist(s) Stéphane Marti
Format DVD Pal Interzone 4:3
Original format Vidéo & Super 8
Year 2003-2005
Language(s) French
Subtitles English, French
Runtime 98 min
Publisher Re:Voir

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