The Experimental Image World of Shuji Terayama Volume 4

Volume 4 of a 4 DVD set of the experimental films of Shuji Terayama with 2 films

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The Experimental Image World of Shuji Terayama Volume 4

"Emperor Tomato Ketchup" Director's cut version
1970 / 16mm / 75min / English subtitles
Director / Screenplay: Shuji Terayama / Photograph: Satoshi Sawawatari / Music: J.A. , Salvador Tari, Apollo Taro, Mitsuhashi Hashimoto, Maya Maya, Masako Ono, Motoshiro Demae, Goro Abashiri and others

A phantom director's cut version completed by Shuji Terayama in 1970. After that, it was divided and reduced to a  “shortened version” (27 minutes) and a second sorth film “Janken War” (12 minutes), but this work was restored from one original copy provided by Terayama himself.

“Catalog of Memory” Bonus film
1977 / 16mm / 3min
Director: Tanaka the Unknown / Appearance: Shuji Terayama, Herbie Yamaguchi / Camera: Kiyoshi Nishiura

A short film from 1977 by Tanaka the Unknown, starring Shuji Terayama. "Taga's pencil is changed into "the pencil."

Author(s) Shuji Terayama
Artist(s) Satoshi Sawawatari, J.A. , Salvador Tari, Apollo Taro, Mitsuhashi Hashimoto, Maya Maya, Masako Ono, Motoshiro Demae, Goro Abashiri, et al.
Format DVD5, MPEG-2, Audio 1.Original mono, NTSC format, Region All
Original format 16mm
Year 1970, 1977
Language(s) Japanese
Subtitles English
Runtime 78 min
Publisher Image Forum

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