This is Edward Steichen

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A documentary from 1986 on the life and work of the photographer Edward Steichen.

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"Profile of the great photographer Edward Steichen (1879-1973), made toward the end of his life. This film reviews his life and many of his best known pictures. It was made at his home, and includes scenes showing him at work there with his huge view camera. Also includes his reminiscences about his work and aesthetic, and comments by his wife Johanna. From the beginning of the century Steichen was an active proponent of the idea that photography was a fine art, and as director of the photography department of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City (1947-1962) he was responsible for “The Family of Man” exhibition, one of the most influential displays of photos ever mounted. 1964."

Edward Steichen - Excerpt from Re:Voir Video on Vimeo.

Author(s) Creative Arts Television
Artist(s) Edward Steichen
Format DVD PAL Interzone
Original format 35mm
Year 1986
Language(s) English
Runtime 30'
Publisher Creative Arts Television

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