Cinexpérimentaux 5 : ROSE LOWDER

A documentary by Frédérique Devaux & Michel Amarger on the filmmaker Rose Lowder.  Includes 12 films by Lowder.

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Rose Lowder is an artisan of cinema. Her 16mm camera takes the place of a loom for the weaving of images. She has consecrated her life to these tapestries, these embroideries whose motifs have for many years come from nature, in a state of incessant becoming. Like her elders, the Impressionist painters, she renders her bouquets stroke by stroke, image by image, color after color, to give life to her pointillist compositions in motion.

2002, 24min. followed by 12 films by Rose Lowder : CHAMP PROVENCAL 1979, 16mm, color, 9’ VOILIERS ET COQUELICOTS : 2001, 16mm, color, 2’ BOUQUETS ECOLOGIQUES #21 à 30 : 2003-2005, 16mm, color

Author(s) Frédérique Devaux & Michel Armager
Artist(s) Rose Lowder, Frédérique Devaux & Michel Armager, Frédéric Tabet, Hughes Marie, Myriam Ghomari
Format DVD5 PAL Interzone/Region-Free, Mono, 4:3
Original format Video, 16mm
Year 2002, 1979, 2011, 2005
Language(s) French
Subtitles English
Runtime 50 min
Publisher RE:VOIR

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