Edition of 50 numbered and signed copies of a poster by Christian Lebrat
Poster - The Film Gallery / No Design Press, 2019, 100 x 70 cm. Selfies with ... Bacon, Bernard, Caillebotte, Carpeaux, Cézanne, Chéron, Courbet, Coysevox, Cragg, David, Delacroix, Delaunay, Dürer, Fouquet, Greco, Inconnue (coll. Lifshitz), Mélendez, Pei-Ming, Pickenoy, Poussin, Raphaël, Rembrandt, Tintoret, Van Gogh, Vigée Le Brun (with an error)
Edition of 50 numbered and signed copies
"Lebrat literally appears there, taking self-portraits in front of the self-portraits of great masters of painting (...). Vanity and irony. Join a tradition and help him bear carrying this heavy weight on his shoulders. Promote yourself to better withdraw behind the big name artists. ” Prosper Hillairet