Vacança permanente • Eco y Narciso • Dry Martini

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DVD with 3 films by Adolopho Arrietta.

ECO Y NARCISO (2003, DV, 19’)
DRY MARTINI (2008, DV, 7’)

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'Eco and Narciso': Adolpho Arrietta revisits the ancient myth of Narcissus and the nymph Echo.

'Dry Martini' : a recent essay based on a text by Luis Buñuel glorifying alcohol and tobacco.

'Vacanza permanente' : In his latest video essay 'Vacanza Permanente,' Arrietta discovers and enthusiastically embraces digital editing at home.

“As the decades go by, Arrietta the filmmaker is becoming more self-assured but also more pessi- mistic. Vacanza permanente is immune to loneliness. Paris was a celebration, Madrid no longer is: always the loneliness of comings and goings (the shot of Cocteau’s angel in The Testament of Orpheus reap- pears, as it did forty years earlier, in Imitation de l’ange). Arrietta manages uncertainty and darkness, and the mind focuses on illusions which sooner or later become real. One begins to imagine his drawings – for Arrietta began painting before film- making – and to envision his apartment as a curiosity shop. Vacanza permanente suggests one such composition.”
-Philippe Fauvel, Vertigo #39

Author(s) Adolpho Arrietta
Artist(s) Adolpho Arrietta, Luis Bunuel
Format DVD5 PAL Interzone/Region 0, 4:3, mono
Original format DV
Year 2003, 2006, 2008
Subtitles français, English
Runtime 19 min, 29 min, 7 min
Publisher Re:Voir

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