John Cage Performs James Joyce

Enregistrement de Takahiko Iimura.
1985 / VHS ou Mini DV / couleur / son / 15'

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15,00 €

Une performance privée de John Cage qui réalise sa pièce « Writing for the Fifth Time Through Finnegan's Wake » sous trois formes différentes: lue, chantée et murmurée.

Texte: Rufthandl ingconsummation tinyRuddy Newpermientings hi himself then pass ahs c e i n flumdered e w myself s ct making Hummels set life' s she to east time the thesion br is m thosen southates i over thg the he an ndby fluther' s see e as brown ou a as m her i i The Voltexglad soil for he' s hisBut at milkidmass nightfallen useawhile unde the pudemascope heartbreakingly i town eau And ondimbeofforan furrow follower withNon plus ulstra to get enough for anyonea prodigal heart would h be u'a m a oebelt p t l ofder wraugh e ai farmo i north eva jest to h i ntand sllyc ch mizFu zie showed ti em ae n Ishook s e bite msh (to right side)

Takahiko Iimura, Concept Tapes 3 (Excerpt) from Collectif Jeune Cinema on Vimeo.

Auteur(s) Takahiko Iimura
Artiste(s) Johan Cage
Format DVD NTSC region-free
Année 1985
Durée 15 min
Editeur Takahiko Iimura Media Arts Laboratory

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