Eye for Eye, Ear for Ear

Two films by Takahiko Iimura
Music (2009): Haruyuki Suzuki
1966-70/2009, 2 films, 25 min b/w



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When I came to the USA in the mid 1960s, it was the high point of the Hippie movement and the black riots. I lived in the East Village in New York, which was a center of the former, and watched TV news of the latter often. These two films, Film Strips I and II, were taken from the scenes respectively, not as a documentary but as an inner report of mine, abstracted yet chaotic. (T.I.)

Author(s) Takahiko Iimura
Format DVD NTSC all-regions
Year 1966-1970
Runtime 25 min
Publisher Takahiko Iimura Media Arts Laboratory

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