Age Is...

A feature film by Stephen Dwoskin

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« AGE IS… » is a new feature meditating on the subjective experience and cultural concepts of ageing. The film is an ode to the texture, the beauty, the singularity of aging faces and silhouettes, a hypnotic poem in the « Dwoskinian » meaning of the term which is long observations of very tiny details. A gesture, a pause, a look, a moment. Throughout his films intimacy has always played the leading role and this is also true for « Age is… », all the faces being those of close friends, of their relatives and sometimes even of Stephen himself. - House on Fire

Author(s) Stephen Dwoskin
Artist(s) Alexander Balanescu, Tatia Shaburishvili, Rachel Bénitah, Stephen Dwoskin, Véronique Goël, Philippe Ciompi, House on Fire
Format DVD-5
Original format Digital Video
Year 2014
Language(s) no dialogue
Subtitles no dialogue
Runtime 75 min
Publisher RE:VOIR

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