Cinéma des ruines : les films de Solomon Nagler

The dvd anthology contains the complete recent cinematic works of Solomon Nagler. The Elegy Trilogy, the Landscape Trilogy, Notes on Gestures and Black Salt Water Elegy, working as a key of an architecture of striking visions.

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Eight experimental films locating the cinematic works of Solomon Nagler in the higher polar and granular realms of a mystic and holistic cinema.

Black Salt Water Elegy, Notes on Gesture, Fugue Nefesh, The Sex of Self-Hatred, Perhaps/We, Untitled3 (stone killer), Untitled1 (prayerielandescape), Untitled2 (the last jew of edenbridge)

"Allegorical by design, Nagler’s vision is composed of fragments of recognizable reality commingled with the raw matter of hallucination and nascent form. In Nagler’s work, vision is both a phenomenological and historical entity; a damaged engagement with time, space, and the archaeologies of memory and film. Stories of migration and refuge take suggestive shape, often against and within the vast expanses of the Canadian prairies. In Nagler’s cinema, ethical engagement has to be equal to the task of the precariousness of life in transition. Home is temporary; home is a refuge."

- Sarah Darmon

untitled2 (prayerielandescape) (clip) from Solomon Nagler on Vimeo.

Original format Super 8, 16mm, 35mm
Year 2003-2010
Runtime 89 min
Publisher ICPCE

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