Triptych: My Belle, Hey Marcel... and Queen of the Night

Triptych: My Belle, Hey Marcel... and Queen of the Night / DVD View larger

Three experimental, impressionist films by Peter Tammer.

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30,55 €

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My Belle, 20min

An impressionistic portrait of a friend, Michelle, a performer preparing for her act... the private world and public world superimposed upon each other to present a feeling for the person caught between the two worlds.

Hey Marcel..., 17min

Influences by the 'title' of the painting by Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending Staircase, but not informed by the actual painting. Four separate movements of figures descending: different staircases, different environments, bodies cascading, a cataract of flesh... metamorphosing... visually regenerating... forever descending.

Queen of the Night, 20min

A poem of the night. The predatory male, perhaps a reincarnation of Orpheus, seeks the elusive female archetype which beguiles, mystifies, allures and finally destroys him. Two figures in a nightscape of coruscating light and colour. A poem of yearning.

Author(s) Peter Tammer
Year 1985-2010
Language(s) English
Runtime 57 min
Publisher Artfilms (Contemporary Arts Media)

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