He Who Hits First, Hits Twice

He Who Hits First, Hits Twice View larger

A film by Santiago Alvarez

Also includes a film portrait of Alvarez by director Travis Wilkerson, with a soundtrack by If Thousands. In Spanish with English subtitles.

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Cuban filmmaker Santiago Alvarez is best known for a series of revolutionary political documentaries that he completed after co-founding the Instituto del Arte y Industria Cinematograficos (ICAIC). His films are marked by manic pacing, idiosyncratic editing, creative sound design, and bold political content. This anthology of Alvarez' key works includes eight films:

Now (1965, 5 mins.)
Cerro Pelado (1966, 34 mins.)
Hanoi Martes 13 (1967, 38 mins.)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre (1967, 19 mins.)
LBJ (1968, 18 mins.), 79 Primaveras (1969, 25 mins.)
El Sueno del Pongo (1970, 11 mins.)
El Tigre Salto y Mato, Pero Morira... Morira... (1973, 16 mins.)

Author(s) Santiago Alvarez
Format DVD PAL
Year 1965-1973
Language(s) Spanish
Subtitles English
Runtime 166 min
Publisher Other Cinema

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