RE:FRAME – scanning time / documenting change

DVD compilation with seven experimental short films from India.

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RE:FRAME is a selection of seven films from a contemporary cinema, removed from Bollywood, that testifies to the richness of creativy in India. Oscillating between documentary, video art, experimental film, and animation, this compilation explores the means with which the texture of memory is incorporated within postcolonial Indian society's individual journeys as well as the national psyche; within private circles as well as public spaces. It allows for contrasting points of view regarding the country's situation and its unanswered question: when the past has yet to catch up with the present, is it a threat or an alternative to the present?

Rashtriy Kheer & Desiy Salad (2008, 2', DV), Pushpamala N

Straight 8 (2005, 17', Super 8 & DV), Ayisha Abraham

Ceasural, Variations 1 and 2 (2007, 7'30", DV), Raqs Media Collective

Endnote (Antaral) (2005, 18', 16mm), Ashish Avikunthak

Bengali Tourist (2003, 4', DV & Animation), Sarnath Banerjee

I love my India (2003, 10', DV), Tejal Shah

Space Bar (work in 'progress') (2008, 20'45", DV), Debkamal Ganguly

Bonus :
- Interviews with every filmmaker;
- Booklet with an article by Silke Schmikl and Cédric Vincent

RE:FRAME - Scanning Time / Documenting Change from Lowave on Vimeo.

Author(s) A. Abraham, A.Avikunthak, S. Banerjee,D. Ganguly, Pushpamala N, T. Shah, Raqs Media Collective
Format NTSC & PAL, 4:3
Original format 16mm, video
Year 2003-2008
Subtitles Français, English, Deutsch
Runtime 108 min
Publisher lowave

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