The third volume of this collection of experimental film and video art from the Middle East and North Africa.

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RESISTANCE[S] III, is the third volume of this collection of experimental film and video art from the Middle East and North Africa. Featuring nine artists from a variety of cultural and disciplinary backgrounds, these intimate, poetic and documentary works are witness to the region's complexity, vitality and diversity of creative energies. Distanced from the usual stereotypes, the artists aim to explore existential, political and aesthetic issues of our times while opening up to new narrative perspectives that break with our media's monotonous and repetitive imagery. They present us with new perspectives on time and space, movement and memory, history and personal experience, without neglecting the place of women in society. Curated by Silke Schmickl & Christine Sehnaoui.

RESISTANCE[S] III from Lowave on Vimeo.

Author(s) Various
Format DVD10 PAL/NTSC, Region 0, 4:3 & 16:9
Original format Video, 16mm, Super 8
Year 2006-2009
Language(s) Arabic, English, Hebrew
Subtitles English, French, German
Runtime 118 min
Publisher lowave

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