
Blacklight View larger

A film by Frédéric D. Oberland, Carole Arcega, Sébastien Cros et Michael Rabetrano.

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This compilation brings together films of a new genre, between cult cinema and abstract art, a form of science fiction bordering on the experimental and the fantastic. The black and white universe presented here is inherited from comic books, drawings, calligraphy, and of course photography. Label Ombres presents new hybrid works, evolving in the imagination through expanded cinema, a cinema of sensations.

BLACKLIGHT from Lowave on Vimeo.

Author(s) Frédéric D. Oberland, Carole Arcega, Sébastien Cros, Michael Rabetrano
Format Stéréo, PAL, toutes zones
Year 2006
Language(s) français
Subtitles français, anglais
Runtime 60 min
Publisher Lowave, Label Ombres

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