Conspirators of Pleasure

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In CONSPIRATORS OF PLEASURE Svankmajer takes us along on a journey of longing, lust, and desire. Without as much as a word he follows six city people, their fetishisms and striving after the satisfaction of their individual sexual obsessions. One of them constructs ingenious machines to satisfy his obsession for a beautiful TV news presenter. Someone else rolls small balls of bread and sniffs them up using rubber tubes. Yet another one designs a mad chicken costume with bat wings. These apparently senseless doings are studied by Svankmajer and blown up larger than life. Thus he creates a surrealistic and philosophical image of the complexity of human sexuality.

Author(s) Jan Svankmajer
Artist(s) Jan Svankmajer, Petr Meissel, Gabriel Wilelmova, Barbora Hrzanova
Format DVD9 PAL Zone 2, 1:3:1,
Year 1996
Language(s) Czech
Subtitles Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish
Runtime 83 min
Publisher Moskwood Media

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